Baby Shower Gift Ideas
•Posted on May 11 2017

Need to go to a baby shower but you're not sure what to get for a new mom? We've put together a few baby shower gift ideas that are perfect and will make her life easier. These gifts aren't just my favorites, but our customers' too. This list includes our top sellers and the best wraps and carriers that are also the easiest to use.
Buckle Carriers ("Soft Structured Carriers")
Tula Free to Grow
The Tula Free to Grow is a wonderful new carrier from Tula that is adjustable (with about 3 settings) and can be used from day one without an insert (assuming the baby is at least 7 lbs) up to 2 years old, which makes it a great baby shower gift. Plus, these carriers can be worn by dads, too! (Not that dads can't wear the other carriers, but in our experience dads prefer buckles.)
Beco Gemini
The Beco Gemini is another great buckle carrier that can be used from day one (again assuming the baby is at least 7 lbs). These carriers are very comfortable and–unlike the Free to Grow–you can cross the back straps (which helps for carriers with narrow/smaller frames or sloping shoulders). Geminis are great at offering support for a newborn baby, but they are heavily padded so if you live in warmer climate I'd go with the Tula Free To Grow.
Ring Slings
Sakura Bloom Ring Sling
It can be hard to pick a ring sling for someone else with so many patterns and styles. I always recommend Sakura Bloom ring slings as shower gifts because their colors are easy to like. But really, any of our ring slings make a great shower present. Ring slings are very lightweight, and are hands-down the easiest carrier to nurse in. Ring slings took the stress out of public nursing, which helped me a ton as a new mom. They are simple, elegant and can really help mom feel less "frumpy" after birth. Ring slings are also very quick, great for getting stubborn gas out of newborns, and wonderful option if your baby has reflux. My baby Lucy was a preemie with really bad reflux; I had to hold her upright for 30 mins after feeding, which doesn't sound that hard till you have to do it. Trust me. It's hard. A ring sling will really help with all that. Plus, the tail can be used to wipe up spit-up. (Yes, really. I did that too.) This option is the coolest in terms of temperature, so if you live in a warmer climate and want the lightest possible option, a silk or linen Sakura Bloom is the way to go. If you are having a c section and worried about what carrier would work best I would say ring sling. Newborns are so small you hold them very high- (remember, high tight, kissable and airway clear) there is nothing around your mid section. Newborns held properly in a ring sling have their heads right under your chin, above your breast, so about 10" from the incision.
Baby Blankets
Tula Blankets
These blankets are so awesome. They are swaddling blankets, sure, but my big kids love to snuggle with them, and we use them every time we travel--they're great for long car trips to encourage a nap, or for freezing-cold airplanes. I even used one as a scarf on one flight. (Why are planes soooooooo cold?!?!?!?!?!) These blankets are bigger and softer than the common swaddling blankets, so they work better as a crib blanket. (Lucy is still sleeping with hers at almost 3 years old.)
Woven Wraps
Like ring slings, woven wrap suggestions can be very tricky... Finding a wrap with the right look in the right size is not always so easy. I generally say get a size 4.6 m wrap unless you "mom" is plus size or really petite. In which case you can size up to a 5.2 m for a plus size and a 4.2 m for petite. Here's a list of some our current, easy to use and popular wraps:
- Didymos Lambda
- Didymos Blue (Mela) Pfau
- Didymos Daphne
- Girasol
- Tekhni Amethyst Chloris
- Vanamo Solki Tarina
- Didymos Ada Monochrome
Stretchy Wraps
Stretchy wraps make a great gift. These NEW Moby Wraps are very different from the ones I tried (and hated) 6 years ago. These wraps are lighter, softer and much much thinner. Plus the patterns are ace! I love these so much.
Baby Bonnets and Hats
These Urban Baby Bonnet hats are so awesome. The best baby sun hat ever. They are reversible and generously sized, and can be washed easily. We have been loving these hats for the last 6 years. Down here in Alabama a sun hat for your baby is a must, especially in the summer.
Bottom Line:
Most moms have no idea what they need, so it's our job to give them the best stuff we can. Feel free to call or email if you're still having trouble picking a gift. But if you come away from this post with one message, it should be this: there is nothing better for a new mom than an awesome baby carrier. I'm telling you: you will make her feel like a super hero. And she will love you forever for buying her the coolest present!
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